Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I married a country boy


Day one of our Idaho adventure consisted of a family reunion. It was a camp out. Just a little back ground information about me...I don't camp. Even when I was little the idea of packing everything up, then setting it up in the dirt, cooking in the dirt, sleeping in the dirt, playin
g in the dirt, doing who-knows-what when you have to go to the bathroom in the dirt! And then packing it all up and bringing the dirt home to clean up. It didn't sound like much of a vacation. Although when we found out that on of Sky's uncles was giving us a tent as a wedding present Sky and I were thrilled to have our very own tent! I don't know why I was so thrilled. I'm not a camper but I am so excited that we own a tent!


Day two of our Idaho adventure (after camping) consisted of a two to three hour horse ride over these gorgeous hills then down into Onida lake where, after swimming and goofing around with my darling new sister, Micheala and her "friend" the handsome, Marco, we had the opportunity to swim with the horses bare back! I felt like Sonora from "Wild Hearts Can't be Broken"! It was so fun! But holy cow, I am the most sore I have ever been in my life!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

favorite summer treats

  • Gourmandies Bakery's raspberry tartlete
  • Beans and Brew's b&b coco bean frappe
  • home grown strawberries
  • gyro from Greek Souvlaki No. 1 on 300 South and 400 East

Thursday, July 14, 2011

"Olivander's" makers of fine wands since 385 b.c.

Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is the night! It's Harry Potter night!!! The final! Number 7!!!!

Last night we celebrated by making wands with my brothers and sisters. I think Sky and I took it a little more seriously than the others (please see the image above). We have a tenancy to go all out with projects. Tonight I will be playing the role of Bellatrix Lastrange and Sky will be Harry Potter, talk about an awkward fanfiction if there ever was one! I hope everyone enjoys the night!


Liv O.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

gritty reality

I get to clean the bathroom today! Aren't I excited. Ok, not really.

We finally got the bathroom a little more put away last week and I'm quite proud of it. ...ok, I love it! My sweet husband is putting up with my pink fetish. Bless him.

Monday, July 11, 2011

busy bee

Hello my friends!

Life's been crazy! I've just been running from place to place! But, guess what! It's free slurpee
day! Sky had about three or four free slurpees....I had two. We are kind of sugaraholics. It's a problem that we're not quite ready to address. And now Sky is rapping to me about "reeses puff" gotta love being married.

Any way, I don't have all that much to blog about on the subject of love and home life. We hiked up to Ensign Peak tonight with my sister and her husband and had a fabulous night remembering all of our favorite childhood memories. We're a little nostalgic this week because this will be the final, FINAL chapter of our childhood Harry Potter experience. What a wonderful time to grow up.

If you'd like to check out my acting blog, go for it! It's

Have a wonderful night!

Liv O.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

fireworks and middle earth

Happy fourth! (well, actually it's the fifth) Our fourth of July was full of fun. We went to the park with my family and cuddled on a blanket to watch the sky be dazzled with fire. Our first 4th of July was a success.

So...right now we have a dorky, mild obsession with "The Lord of the Rings." Ok, mild may be a little bit of an understatement. We're flat out obsessed. We have spent the last week watching all the extended versions and all "the making of." We then searched high and low for a copy of the book at our city library which, though it is a beautiful building, has nothing in it! What kind of a library doesn't have books?! (or at least the book I'm craving) To make a somewhat short story short, after two libraries, and searching at my parents house we ended up at a Barnes an Nobles at ten o'clock at night and purchased a beautiful, hard back fiftieth edition of the trilogy. What does this have to do with fireworks you may ask? well, nothing.